Student Managememnt System
Student Management System for Belarusian State Agrarian Technical University
BGATU is the leading educational, scientific and innovative center of the Republic of Belarus for the training of highly qualified personnel for the branches of the agro-industrial complex
- Admission Management
- Communication gap
- Course and subject management
- Student performance monitoring
- No sustem to organise and simplify tasks
- No Centralised data
- Exausting time table and attendance management
What have been done
With the use of Django, BootStrap and MySQL was created an easy interface for with autification for student, admin and professors ith implementation of grade, online classes and notification system as well as main information about faculties, courses and subjets.
Used Technologies
- Django
- MySql
- BootStrap
Project pic
Web-App for medical students and tutors for teaching students to identify auscultation sounds (heart and breath diseases) correctly.
Auscultation is a physical method of medical diagnostics, which consists in listening to sounds generated during the functioning of internal organs.
- Lack of Auscultation Tutorials at Universities
- Lack of time and opportunity for lectures familiarize yourself with auscultatory situations
- Outdated materials
- Lack of experience in identifying auscultatory situations among interns and residents
- Difficulty in auscultation in children due to their disobedience and restlessness
What have been done
In order to solve the problem was created a Web-app with implemented authorization system for medical students and tutors based on Django, PostgreSQL and Bootstrap on the frontend. App consists of theoretical lessons and quizzes for kwnoledge testing. Profile page shows student 's progress(percentage of correct answers).
Used Technologies
- Django
- PostgreSQL
- BootStrap
Project pic
Automated Bank Sytem
Automated system for the operation of the BNB bank. The application supports client-server architecture. The program contains a complete set of methods that are necessary for working with the database, searching for information and performing other operations with the database (adding, deleting, filtering).
- Automatization of internal processes
- Clien-server app
- Easy user interface for all velevs of users
- information systematization and storage
What have been done
The application supports client-server architecture. The program contains a complete set of methods that are necessary for working with the database, searching for information and performing other operations with the database (adding, deleting, filtering). This information system allows you to systematize the received and available information and greatly simplifies the work. The developed application is of great importance, as it helps to automate the workflow, reduce the amount of portable documentation and transfer all the necessary information to digital format.
Used Technologies
- Java
- JS